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Cognos BI 8.4 (1 dvd) €40 buy download

Allows you to simplify decision-making process and obtain reports. Allows you to optimize the marketing policy of the company and increase profits at the expense of developing an effective pricing policy.

All features BI-solutions for any data
Cognos 8 BI product for the first time removes the barriers to access data. Enhanced public access to the data provide a full range of functions of BI-solutions - reporting, analysis, use of information panels, scoring and event management - which can be performed with any data organization, as a relational, and with OLAP data, which eliminates the need the use of storage, slow decision-making process. While competing solutions for the data required separate tools, Cognos 8 BI is the only solution that ensures a uniform level of metadata and a mechanism for handling requests, which the client has the only reliable source of data, as well as full and complete provision of any problem or a factor of business.

Multidimensional Records and dynamic information panel
Extensive reporting tools available in dealing with Cognos 8 BI, can be used for the creation and production of corporate reports, corporate reporting in real time, as well as neprogrammiruemyh requests. In the Cognos 8 BI has a new opportunity to generate reports from OLAP data. This user account or the information panel can, with a single mouse click to move to the desired level of detail that is necessary for decision-making. In addition, new styles of charts, for example, to designate degrees and in the form of maps, as well as rich graphical formatting options let you create a more dynamic and efficient records and information panels.

Deep comparative analysis
In order to simplify the process of research and retrieval of information in the Cognos 8 BI is facilitated by the implementation of a comprehensive analysis of the users, even when using large volumes of data. Improvements include the possibility of the use of sophisticated filters, nested subsets of data and compare information at different levels - and all this is done by "drag-and-drop". For example, we can quickly and easily compare data on the five best sales representatives in five regions and the five products. It may be the analysis of multidimensional models of relational data, in addition to OLAP data.

Strong ability to manage business events and integration processes
On the basis of the product Cognos opportunities notification, decision Cognos 8 BI is provided only in the branch system of government business events.

Effective monitoring of business information
Scoring system added enhanced tracking data, allowing managers to monitor actions and decisions to correct and improve performance associated with key figures. This allows you to track the solution over time, and provides a formal framework for corporate decision-making to help users when facing new challenges and opportunities to make decisions based on past experience. Now users can quickly see trends in a particular target, move the mouse pointer to the importance of viewing and the expanded figure of historical data.

Download File Size:2.99 GB

Cognos BI 8.4 (1 dvd)
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