FineLIFT provides complete calculations and detailed drawings for any type of
elevator (Electromechanical or Hydraulic) through a smart and flexible technique,
which practically produces the study output with the final drawings in a few seconds.
FineLIFT consists of two Components, synergistically interacting between each other:
* The Calculations Component, a high functionality calculation environment, including
a rich methodological background, based on EN-81 latest Standards. It provides all the
calculation results and the final case study printout of the elevator installation, in
a fully documented and perfectly presented layout.
* The CAD Component, a powerful autonomous tool (based on IntelliCAD), which generates
automatically the final drawings according to the calculations and provide the user
with global control drawing tools, as well as any editing facility through the
IntelliCAD commands.
Automatic Generation of Calculations and Drawings
FINE-LIFT is designed in such a way that its user can design any elevator installation
in few simple steps:
* Definition of the basic parameters within the calculation environment
* Selection of the appropriate equipment from the material libraries (which are open to
the user)
* Immediate generation of the final case study output
* Automatic production of the drawings on their final detailed form.
As a final result, FineLIFT provides the user with the complete study issue, including
the calculation output (according EN-81), technical descriptions, the bill of materials
and all the detailed drawings on the appropriate scales
* Open Libraries of materials and equipment (guide rails, wire ropes, pulleys, motors,
pistons, pumps, supply pipes etc) including all technical characteristics, parametrically
* Structured presentation of calculations and results in separate windows, in such a way
that whenever a parameter value is being edited, then all the results are real time
* Fast entry (filling the basics and considering defaults) for immediate calculations
producing automatically the study output. Additionally, the user can affect any parameter
(i.e. cabin features, guide rails data, any material attributes etc) getting immediately
the results and keeping the full control at any stage of his study.
* Complete output, fully documented, including all the analytical steps, formulas and
intermediate results (loads, forces, coefficients etc) according to EN81 latest Standards.
* Smart Wizard that creates the project drawings as specified by the calculation results,
in a construction detail level (dimensions, morphology, construction details) and with
the proper CAD organization (layers, colors, scales etc).
* Easy CAD interventions and real time retransformation of the final drawings, through
slides and other visual options (even though no need, all Acad-like facilities are also
* Absolute CAD autonomy to its users, given that FineLIFT is based on IntelliCAD, the
alternative CAD solution, accompanied with its user.s license
5 + 1 reasons for working with FineLIFT
* Global Design based on Object Oriented Programming (OOP) philosophy, Implemented with
the most advanced tools (C++) and a long-range software engineering technology.
* Autonomous CAD (including IntelliCAD with its user license) providing full independency
from other CAD environments, but keeping the most popular CAD standards and open dwg
* Unlimited freedom to create and modify the study model, using parametric dialog boxes,
due to the object structure of the whole information.
* Seamless Integration between the CAD Component and the Elevator Calculation Component
and Interactive Communication between drawings and spreadsheets.
* Calculation environment based on a rich and reliable methodological background,
adopting the current EN-81 standards. Results completely documented and perfectly presented.
* 4M-Suite Supports the close cooperation between the Mechanical Engineer and the Architect,
Civil Engineer and Electrical Engineer, during all the stages of the Building Design process
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