Digital Tutors
Micha Koren
In this AutoCAD tutorial we'll go through the complete process of generating a set of design plans directly from an existing 3D model.
You'll learn easy-to-apply techniques so that your drawings can be generated almost effortlessly compared to traditional drafting methods. Find out how you can take any complex structure or architectural form and convert it into 2D vector plans, sections and elevations in minutes.
Knowing these techniques is going to boost your ability and speed in AutoCAD and let you hit those short deadlines with ease.
Introduction and project overview 1 Introduction and project overview Watch it now 01:22
Overviewing our project 2 Overviewing our project Free with Demo » 06:00
Opening and analyzing our model 3 Opening and analyzing our model Free with Demo » 08:07
Extracting elements for the ground floor plan 4 Extracting elements for the ground floor plan 09:29
Extracting shapes from objects 5 Extracting shapes from objects 10:10
Importing shapes into AutoCAD 6 Importing shapes into AutoCAD 05:23
Using plot styles and layers 7 Using plot styles and layers 08:47
Using LSP files in AutoCAD 8 Using LSP files in AutoCAD 04:54
Extracting a section in 3ds Max 9 Extracting a section in 3ds Max 10:23
Converting 3D elements to 2D lines 10 Converting 3D elements to 2D lines 11:29
Compiling flattened objects in sections 11 Compiling flattened objects in sections 10:10
Editing our section to look presentable 12 Editing our section to look presentable 12:09
Drawing grid lines and height levels 13 Drawing grid lines and height levels 12:06
Extracting elements for the elevation 14 Extracting elements for the elevation 09:45
Quick steps to complete your elevation 15 Quick steps to complete your elevation 10:59
Converting lines into blocks 16 Converting lines into blocks 03:38
Viewing our drawings as prints 17 Viewing our drawings as prints 08:09
Adjusting dimensions, text and linetype scale 18 Adjusting dimensions, text and linetype scale 07:25
Adding text labels and titles 19 Adding text labels and titles 08:42
Adding hatches into our plan 20 Adding hatches into our plan 06:43
Refining our plan 21 Refining our plan 11:29
Creating and editing arcs and splines 22 Creating and editing arcs and splines 06:20
Design development 23 Design development 11:13
Adding trees, people and cars 24 Adding trees, people and cars 12:04
Exporting CAD plans to Photoshop 25 Exporting CAD plans to Photoshop 04:33
Editing our drawings 26 Editing our drawings 06:41
Rendering 3D elements for CAD drawings 27 Rendering 3D elements for CAD drawings 12:10
Merging 3D renders into CAD drawings 28 Merging 3D renders into CAD drawings 10:49
Concluding our project 29 Concluding our project 04:50
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