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ESTECO modeFRONTIER 2020 R3 | 646.3 mb
The Esteco s.p.a development team is pleased to announce the availability of modeFRONTIER 2020R3. With the latest improvements, you can rely on an even more easy-to-use optimization experience, regardless of your level of expertise. Make the most of the simulation democratization and accelerate your engineering process.

modeFRONTIER 2020 R3 - Release Notes Supported Third-Party Integrations
We’ve extended support of third-party software to the following versions:
- Simcenter Amesim 2019.2 and 2020.1
- CATIA V5-6 R2020
- JMAG 19.1

End of Support Announcement
We’ve discontinued support for the integration with Abaqus versions 6.6.1 to 6.11.1 and CATIA version V5-6 R2013 and earlier.
The Planner no longer supports vector objectives and constraints. When you enable the Planner for the first time or if you have used vector objectives or constraints in the Planner in the past, the vector components are simply converted to scalar objectives and constraints. The new objectives and constraints retain their properties and no data is lost.

Integration improvements

JMAG integration node improvements
In this release we’ve enhanced the JMAG node with some important features requested by our users. Beside running a JMAG analysis on the local machine, you can now submit a job to a remote SSH machine and enjoy all the benefits of the JMAG Power Simulation License (PSL). We’ve also introduced the possibility to use the reservation key - a JMAG feature that enables you to reserve some license features for a limited amount of time. Last but not least, we’ve re-organized the JMAG node Properties in a simpler and more logical way.

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ADAMS/Car integration node improvements
The Adams/Car node now supports custom objectives that you can define in the Adams/Car session configuration file. You can load this file in the node and you will see the custom objectives in the Parameter Chooser as outputs.

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User Experience Improvements

Input domain validation in the Planner
Our goal is to make the input domain definition easy and straightforward, so in this release we’ve introduced the following improvements:
- cross-validation of the properties of an input, such as value, bounds, base and step to ensure consistency between the Project and the Plan domains
- prompt and topical problem signalling with appropriate graphical elements and clear notifications
- automatic correction and computing of property values that would otherwise cause errors or inconsistencies

Free Project domain
Following our users’ requests and to open up to an even larger number of use cases, we’ve introduced the possibility to keep some properties - namely value, bounds, base and step - of the input parameter nodes in the workflow undefined.
You can now define the input properties that are known or relevant for the entire project and leave all other properties without values. This leaves the Plan domain unconstrained by the Project domain and lets you freely change the Plan input domain to cover interesting design space regions.

New output properties
We’ve listened to your requests and implemented some new properties in the output variable and output parameter nodes and the Planner Output domain module: unit of measure and label.
With these new properties you can characterize and describe the outputs of the project in a meaningful way.

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Algorithm Improvements

Catalogues in action - track how algorithms evolve
In the previous releases we started using the Catalogue system to get you more involved in the optimization process. With this improvement, optimization algorithms can create separate catalogues with categories that identify the most important mechanisms for creating designs.
We’ve added multi-category support to the following algorithms: ARMOGA, B-BFGS, MOSA, MOPSO, MEGO, SAnGeA, pilOPT, Matlab bridge, Octave bridge and Scilab bridge.
- grasshopper node (?)
- mogt and hybrid in autonomous mode?
- asf handling multiple outputs (?) and autonomous exploration in planner
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modeFRONTIER is an integration platform for multi-objective and multi-disciplinary optimization. It provides a seamless coupling with third party engineering tools, enables the automation of the design simulation process, and facilitates analytic decision making.

In today’s business world, multidisciplinary approach is key for a successful design process. Designers are required to simultaneously consider multiple perspectives to determine the global optimal solution, facing an ever increasing problem complexity. With modeFRONTIER, the process is streamlined combining objectives relating to variables of different disciplines.

The powerful workflow enable the execution of complex chains of design optimization, innovative algorithms determine the set of best possible solutions combining opposing objectives, and post-processing tools allows the user to perform sophisticated statistical analysis, data visualization and decision making.

The user profiles enable multidisciplinary engineering practices to consolidate specialized expertise and streamline teamwork by allocating software resources where needed. Depending on the step of the engineering problem at hand, it is possible to access different functionalities within the same installation through dedicated modules (modeSPACE and modePROCESS) or directly in modeFRONTIER, according to the profile of the user.

Esteco s.p.a is an independent software provider, highly specialized in numerical optimization and simulation data management with a sound scientific foundation and a flexible approach to customer needs. ESTECO technology brings modularity, ease of use, standardization, and innovation to the engineering design process.

Version: 2020 R3
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.esteco.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 646.3 mb

* System Requirements: System Requirements

modeFRONTIER 2020R3 supports Java 2 SDK features and capabilities and was tested successfully against the JDK 1.8.0_172 version. The modeFRONTIER packaging includes the JRE (JAVA Runtime Environment) for Windows and Linux platforms.

If the correct JRE for your architecture is not included in the product package, upgrade your system by downloading the required JRE from your platform’s vendor website. Before installing JRE ensure to have installed all required patches and upgrades for your OS.

Hardware Requirements
The minimum memory required by modeFRONTIER is the same as for Java 8. modeFRONTIER requires approximately 750 MB disk space for full installation, or 440 MB for a minimum installation (without tutorial projects and documentation). The actual required disk space depends on the Java Runtime Environment you want to install.

Compatibility with 4K UHD displays
modeFRONTIER, modePROCESS and modeSPACE can be used with displays that comply with the 4K UHD standard. However, if you’re running these application in Windows, you have to override the default DPI settings.

Supported Platforms
modeFRONTIER 2020R3 is supported on the following platforms:
- Microsoft Windows 8/10 - 64bit
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 64bit
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016 64bit
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Download File Size:680.7 MB

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