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CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2023 SP2 | 1.4 Gb
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GeometricPLM is pleased to announce the availability of CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2023 SP2 is has been designed and developed specifically for programming 2-axis through 4-axis Wire EDM CNC machines using feature-based technology, including automatic feature recognition and knowledge-based machining, to automate the Wire EDM programming process.
New in CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2023 SP2
Resolved CPRs 1. CWE-853 CSR-24967 For Mitsubishi machines, if land & taper is used, then CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro does not output the correct values for Z1, Z2 and Z3.
2. CWE-852 CSR-24968 For a Mitsubishi FA machine, if land & taper is used, then cutting conditions for skim cuts are missing in CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro.
3. CWE-839 CSR-24697 When a part file name includes the special character "Ã", then stock does not get displayed in the Simulation window. However, if the special character is removed from the file name, the stock gets displayed.
4. CWE-837 CSR-24642 In CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro, when post code is generated, either the comments do not get posted or are do not get saved.
5. CWE-835 CSR-24520 Request from customer to create customized Sodick Post Processor as per their specifications.
6. CWE-834 CSR-24587 In CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro 2023 SP1, when the Edit Cutting Conditions dialog box is invoked, the Stock Thickness parametric field is not populated with the current stock thickness.
7. CWE-833 CSR-24548, CSR-24515 When attempting to find features with "Find Patterns" active, CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro application crashes.
8. CWE-827 CSR-24418 The Charmilles ROBOFIL330FANUC post processor installed with CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro does not output the Power setting for Coreless cutting.
9. CWE-771 CSR-22975 The ‘Duplicate’ function in CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro retains taper angle even if reselecting geometry without taper.
10. CWE-744 CSR-22386 SOLIDWORKS crashes when running an Agie Vision machine and Saving Offsets within the CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro application.
11. CWE-663 CSR-21057 Saving Cutting Conditions for Machine Make Makino with Model U results in the error message getting displayed: “Encountered an improper argument”.
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× CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2023 SP2 Close
CAMWorks WireEDM Pro is a newly introduced application in the CAMWorks suite of software products. It is a culmination of over 30 years of specialization in Wire EDM CAM technology. CAMWorks WireEDM Pro is seamlessly integrated to work as an Add-in within the SOLIDWORKS/CAMWorks Solids CAD applications. It is designed to automatically analyze a solid model, generate a machining plan for all the features (2 Axis, 2 Axis Taper, 4 Axis) and then post the G-Code with a single mouse click! It applies the cutting technology of your Wire EDM machine to the geometry of the solid model to be machined to generate the best possible G-code for your machine. This functionality allows you to take full advantage of all the latest cutting improvements in the field of Wire EDM technology. CAMWorks Wire EDM Pro will be an ideal choice for firms working with machining solid part models using WireEDM CAM technology.
CAMWorks WireEDM Demo
GeometricPLM by HCL Technologies a specialist in the domain of engineering solutions, services and technologies. Its portfolio of Global Engineering services, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, Embedded System solutions, and Digital Technology solutions enables companies to formulate, implement, and execute global engineering and manufacturing strategies aimed at achieving greater efficiencies in the product realization lifecycle.
Owner: GeometricPLM
Product Name: CAMWorks WireEDM
Version: 2023 SP2
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.camworks.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows *
Software Prerequisites: pre-installed SolidWorks 2022 - 2024
Size: 1.4 Gb
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